Evening Riot

Posted: September 15, 2022Tags: Category: Uncategorized

Evening Riot

Choosing art for your home is always an exciting activity, but often homeowners feel constrained by their existing interior design. Whilst immaculately presented colour schemes are often displayed on social media, in reality, some of the best homes to live in are ones that incorporate many styles.

Statement art pieces should be able to be placed in any room and not feel out of place; in the same way, you should be able to move art from one space to another without major clashes. To do this, interior design should be focused on the room as a whole and not around a specific piece of art; if you love yellow, then it is highly likely that that colour will show up in your house in more spaces than the one the art is currently in, so there will be a natural continuity throughout no matter where it the art is placed.

Using an Interior Designer to help focus your creative energy is a great way to ensure that your art will work in any space you choose in years to come when you move or reshuffle the house.